The Crucifixion
November 9, 1986
peace be with you; I am here, I am Jesus Christ; I am before you, I am your Teacher and I love you; evil was conquered by sacrificing Myself; sleep not because I am soon with you; I am the Revelations; I have tidings that will talk; talk to Me about My Crucifixion, Vassula;
What shall I say? Shall I think before or during?
(Jesus gave me an image of the scourging.)
having scourged Me, they spat on Me and gave Me several hard blows on My head, leaving Me dizzy; they kicked Me in My stomach leaving Me breathless and falling to the ground; moaning with pain, they took sport in Me kicking Me by turn; I was unrecognizable; My body was broken and so was My heart; My flesh, which was ripped off, hung all over My body;
one of them picked Me up and dragged Me because My legs would not carry Me any longer; then they clothed Me with one of their robes; they hauled Me forward, repeating their blows, hitting Me across My face, breaking My nose, 1 harassing Me; I listened to their insults; daughter, with such hatred and mockery their voices resounded, augmenting My cup; I listened to them saying, "where are your friends mustering while their king is with us, are all Jews as treacherous as these ones? behold their king!" and they crowned Me with a woven crown of thorns, daughter, "where are your Jews to hail you, You are king are you not? can you mimic one? laugh! do not cry, you are king are you not, behave like one then"; they tied up My feet with ropes and told Me to walk to where My cross was;
daughter, I could not go since they had My feet tied, so they hauled Me to the ground and dragged Me by My hair towards My cross; My pain was intolerable, parts of My flesh which hung from the scourging were ripped off;
they loosened the ropes off My feet and kicked Me to get up and lift My burden on my shoulders; I could not see where My cross was for My eyes were filled up with My blood which was streaking down My face from the thorns, which had penetrated My head; so they lifted My cross and laid it on My shoulders, pushing Me towards the gates; daughter, O how heavy My cross was which I had to bear! I felt My way to the gates, led by the scourge behind Me, I tried to see My way through My blood which burned My eyes;
I then felt someone wiping My face; women in agony came forth washing My swollen face, I heard them weeping and mourning, I felt them; "be blessed", I uttered, "My blood will wash away all sins of mankind; behold daughters, the time has come for your salvation";
I dragged Myself up; the crowds turned wild; I could see no friend around Me; no one was there to console Me; My agony seemed to grow and I fell on the ground; fearing that I would expire before the crucifixion, the soldiers ordered a man called Simon to bear My cross; daughter, it was not a gesture of kindness or of compassion; it was to save Me for the cross;
arriving on the Mount, they thrust Me on the ground, tearing off Me My clothes, leaving Me naked for every eye to see Me, My wounds opening again and My Blood flowing out on the earth; the soldiers offered Me wine mixed with gall; I refused it for deep inside Me I had already the bitterness given to Me by My foes; they quickly nailed My wrists first, and after allowing the nails to set in My cross, they stretched My broken body and with violence pierced My feet through; daughter, O daughter, what pain, what agony, what torment of My soul, forsaken by My beloved ones, denied by Peter upon whom I would found My Church, denied by the rest of My friends, left all alone, abandoned to My foes; I wept, for My soul was filled with sorrow;
the soldiers erected My cross, setting it in the furrow;
I gazed upon the crowds, from where I was hardly seeing; from My swollen eyes, I watched the world; I saw no friend among those who mocked Me; no one was there to console Me; "My God! My God! why have you forsaken Me?"; forsaken by all those who loved Me;
My gaze fell on My Mother; I looked upon Her and our hearts spoke, "I am giving you My beloved children to be your children too, You are to be their Mother";
all was ending, salvation was near; I saw the heavens open and every angel stood erect, all stood in silence, "My Father, into Your hands I commend My Spirit, I am with You now";
I, Jesus Christ, dictated you My agony;
bear2 My Cross Vassula, bear it for Me, My cross cries out for Peace and Love; I will show you the Way for I love you daughter;
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November 9, 1986
peace be with you; I am here, I am Jesus Christ; I am before you, I am your Teacher and I love you; evil was conquered by sacrificing Myself; sleep not because I am soon with you; I am the Revelations; I have tidings that will talk; talk to Me about My Crucifixion, Vassula;
What shall I say? Shall I think before or during?
(Jesus gave me an image of the scourging.)
having scourged Me, they spat on Me and gave Me several hard blows on My head, leaving Me dizzy; they kicked Me in My stomach leaving Me breathless and falling to the ground; moaning with pain, they took sport in Me kicking Me by turn; I was unrecognizable; My body was broken and so was My heart; My flesh, which was ripped off, hung all over My body;
one of them picked Me up and dragged Me because My legs would not carry Me any longer; then they clothed Me with one of their robes; they hauled Me forward, repeating their blows, hitting Me across My face, breaking My nose, 1 harassing Me; I listened to their insults; daughter, with such hatred and mockery their voices resounded, augmenting My cup; I listened to them saying, "where are your friends mustering while their king is with us, are all Jews as treacherous as these ones? behold their king!" and they crowned Me with a woven crown of thorns, daughter, "where are your Jews to hail you, You are king are you not? can you mimic one? laugh! do not cry, you are king are you not, behave like one then"; they tied up My feet with ropes and told Me to walk to where My cross was;
daughter, I could not go since they had My feet tied, so they hauled Me to the ground and dragged Me by My hair towards My cross; My pain was intolerable, parts of My flesh which hung from the scourging were ripped off;
they loosened the ropes off My feet and kicked Me to get up and lift My burden on my shoulders; I could not see where My cross was for My eyes were filled up with My blood which was streaking down My face from the thorns, which had penetrated My head; so they lifted My cross and laid it on My shoulders, pushing Me towards the gates; daughter, O how heavy My cross was which I had to bear! I felt My way to the gates, led by the scourge behind Me, I tried to see My way through My blood which burned My eyes;
I then felt someone wiping My face; women in agony came forth washing My swollen face, I heard them weeping and mourning, I felt them; "be blessed", I uttered, "My blood will wash away all sins of mankind; behold daughters, the time has come for your salvation";
I dragged Myself up; the crowds turned wild; I could see no friend around Me; no one was there to console Me; My agony seemed to grow and I fell on the ground; fearing that I would expire before the crucifixion, the soldiers ordered a man called Simon to bear My cross; daughter, it was not a gesture of kindness or of compassion; it was to save Me for the cross;
arriving on the Mount, they thrust Me on the ground, tearing off Me My clothes, leaving Me naked for every eye to see Me, My wounds opening again and My Blood flowing out on the earth; the soldiers offered Me wine mixed with gall; I refused it for deep inside Me I had already the bitterness given to Me by My foes; they quickly nailed My wrists first, and after allowing the nails to set in My cross, they stretched My broken body and with violence pierced My feet through; daughter, O daughter, what pain, what agony, what torment of My soul, forsaken by My beloved ones, denied by Peter upon whom I would found My Church, denied by the rest of My friends, left all alone, abandoned to My foes; I wept, for My soul was filled with sorrow;
the soldiers erected My cross, setting it in the furrow;
I gazed upon the crowds, from where I was hardly seeing; from My swollen eyes, I watched the world; I saw no friend among those who mocked Me; no one was there to console Me; "My God! My God! why have you forsaken Me?"; forsaken by all those who loved Me;
My gaze fell on My Mother; I looked upon Her and our hearts spoke, "I am giving you My beloved children to be your children too, You are to be their Mother";
all was ending, salvation was near; I saw the heavens open and every angel stood erect, all stood in silence, "My Father, into Your hands I commend My Spirit, I am with You now";
I, Jesus Christ, dictated you My agony;
bear2 My Cross Vassula, bear it for Me, My cross cries out for Peace and Love; I will show you the Way for I love you daughter;

- A Paz esteja contigo. Estou aqui. Eu sou Jesus Cristo. Estou diante de ti. Sou o teu Mestre e amo-te. O mal foi vencido pelo Meu Sacrifício. Não vos deixeis adormecer, que Eu venho depressa. Eu sou a Revelação. Eu tenho novidades que farão reflectir. Fala-Me da Minha Crucifixão, Vassula.
- Mas que devo eu dizer? Devo meditar na Vossa Crucifixão, ou antes dela?
- Antes.
Jesus ofereceu-me, então, uma imagem da Flagelação.
- Quando Me flagelaram, cuspiram sobre Mim e deram-Me tantas e tão violentas pancadas na cabeça que Me deixaram atordoado. Deram-Me pontapés no estômago que Me tiraram a respiração e Me fizeram cair por terra, trespassado pela dor. Fizeram de Mim um verdadeiro brinquedo do seu divertimento, dando-Me pontapés, um após outro. Estava irreconhecível. O Meu corpo estava trespassado tal como o estava também o Meu Coração. A Minha Carne, esquartejada em pedaços, pendia de todo o Meu Corpo. Um deles levantou- Me e arrastou-Me, porque as Minhas pernas já não podiam sustentar-Me. Depois, vestiram-Me com um dos seus vestidos, atiraram-Me para a frente e, continuando a dar-Me pancadas, bateram-Me no Rosto, partiram-Me o Nariz e torturaram-Me. Ouvia as suas injúrias, Minha filha. As suas vozes ressoavam com um tal ódio e zombaria, que aumentavam o Meu Cálice! Ouvia-os dizer: "Onde estão os teus amigos, agora que o seu rei está aqui, connosco? Todos os hebreus serão assim tão traidores como eles? Olhai para o seu rei!" E coroaram-Me, com uma Coroa de Espinhos, Minha filha. "Onde estão agora os teus hebreus, vindos para te saudar? Tu ÉS rei, Não é verdade? Poderias, então, imitar um rei? RI! Não chores. Tu és rei, não é verdade? Porta-te, pois, como tal".
Ligaram-Me os pés com cordas e obrigaram-Me a caminhar até à Minha Cruz. Mas, Minha filha, Eu não podia caminhar, porque Me tinham ligado os Pés. Lançaram-Me, então, por terra e arrastaram-Me, pegando-Me pelos cabelos até a Minha Cruz. O Meu Sofrimento era intolerável. Alguns pedaços da Minha Carne, que haviam ficado pendentes, depois da Flagelação, foram-Me arrancados. Aliviaram, então, os laços dos Meus Pés e deram-Me pontapés para obrigar-Me a levantar e a levar o Meu fardo aos Ombros. Eu não podia ver sequer onde estava a Minha Cruz, uma vez que os Espinhos, que se Me haviam enterrado na Cabeça, Me enchiam os Olhos de Sangue, que se Me colava no Rosto. Levantaram, então, a Minha Cruz, puseram-Ma aos Ombros e empurraram-Me para a porta.
Ó Minha filha, como era pesada a Cruz que Eu tive de levar! Avancei, às apalpadelas, para a porta. O Meu caminho era traçado apenas pelo azorrague que Me batia. Procurava ver o Meu caminho através do Sangue que Me queimava os Olhos. Senti, então alguém que Me enxugava o Rosto, inchado. Ouvi-as chorar e lamentar-se; ouvi-as."Benditas sejais!" disse-lhes Eu. O Meu Sangue lavará todos os pecados da humanidade. Olhai, Minhas filhas, o tempo da vossa salvação chegou". Endireitei-Me com dificuldade. A multidão tinha-se enraivecido. Eu não via nenhum amigo à Minha volta; ninguém estava ali, para Me consolar. A Minha agonia parecia aumentar e caí por terra. Receando que Eu morresse antes da Crucifixão, os soldados deram ordem a um homem, de nome Simão, para que levasse a Minha Cruz. Minha filha, não se tratava de um gesto de bondade ou de compaixão, mas de uma simples forma de Me poupar para a Cruz.
Chegados ao Monte, lançaram-Me por terra, arrancaram-Me os vestidos e deixaram-Me nú para assim Me exporem à vista de todos. As Minhas feridas reabriram-se e o Meu Sangue corria pela terra. Os soldados deram-Me vinho misturado com fel. Eu recusei-o, porque tinha já no Meu íntimo a amargura que Me haviam provocado os Meus inimigos.
Pregaram-Me, primeiro os Pulsos e, depois de Me terem fixado à Cruz com os Cravos, estenderam o Meu Corpo já trespassado, atravessaram-Me os Pés com violência.
Minha filha, ó Minha filha, que sofrimento! Que agonia! Que tortura para a Minha Alma! Abandonado pelos Meus bem-amados, renegado por Pedro, sobre o qual Eu mesmo havia fundado a Minha Igreja; re-negado pelo resto dos Meus amigos; deixado só, abandonado pelos Meus inimigos. Chorei. A Minha Alma estava repleta de dor.
Os soldados levantaram a Minha Cruz e colocaram-na no buraco preparado.
De onde Me encontrava, contemplei a multidão. Tentando ver, com dificuldade, com os Meus Olhos inchados, observei então o mundo. Não vi amigo algum, por entre aqueles que escarneciam de Mim. Ninguém viera para Me consolar: "Meu Deus! Meu Deus! Por que Me abandonaste?" Abandonado por todos os que Me amavam.
O Meu Olhar pousou, então, sobre a Minha Mãe. Contemplei-A e os Nossos Corações falaram 1 : "Dou-te os Meus filhos muito amados, para que sejam também Teus filhos. Tu serás a sua Mãe".
Tudo estava consumado, a salvação estava próxima. Vi os Céus abrirem-se e todos os anjos estavam petrificados e em silêncio.
"Pai, nas Tuas Mãos entrego o Meu Espírito. Agora, estou Contigo".
Eu, Jesus Cristo, ditei-te a Minha agonia. Leva agora a Minha Cruz, Vassula; leva-a por Mim. A Minha Cruz implora a Paz e o Amor. Eu mesmo te mostrarei o Caminho, porque te amo, Minha filha.
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